"The purpose of the Master Association... is to preserve the value and desirability of the Community and the Lots and to further the interests of the residents of the Community and Members of the Master Association."
Master Declaration of Covenants: Recitals.I
Dear Neighbor,
We began this web site as a way to inform our community about unpublished changes to the Pet Policy for the Founders Village HOA. Many hundreds of members responded by signing a petition and attending board meetings asking the Board to change the pet policy. At the last Board meeting the Board voted to adopt the Town of Castle Rock code regarding pets as our own. There is still work to be done to finalize the new pet policy, but we are very pleased that our efforts were able to bring about positive change.
Rather than take this site down, we have decided to keep it going as a way of helping to keep our community informed, and to rally around future efforts in building and mainting a true sense of community in Founders Village.
Thank you all for your support and efforts in helping to improve our community. We look forward to getting to know many more of you as we continue to work together.
Fellow Members of the Founders Village HOA